Berkeley Foundation

Building a society where every young person can thrive

Berkeley Foundation

About Berkeley Foundation

The Berkeley Foundation was established by the Berkeley Group in 2011 and became a registered charity in 2013. Since then, they have committed over £18 million to more than 100 charities and worthy causes.


Our challenge

TLC were asked to review the design of the Foundation’s Annual Review, introducing the new 2018 – 2021 Berkeley Foundation Strategic plan and to communicate the level of social impact achieved by the Foundation more clearly.

Berkeley Foundation
Berkeley Foundation
Berkeley Foundation
Berkeley Foundation

Our approach

Make it memorable. Using the central theme from the new strategy, we bring ‘impact’ messaging through to the headlines to provide more emphasis to the social impact of the Foundation. Personal hero stories punctuate the review providing pace and increase engagement by bringing the reader closer to the individuals or families who’s lives have been transformed with the help of the Foundation.

An illustrative ‘community landscape’ by the talented Down the Street illustrators brings the work of the Foundation to life, highlighting their four areas of focus; a safe place to call home, access to employment, the skills to succeed and health & wellbeing.

We improve the data visualisation, introducing a new giving map and re-structuring data points ‘by investment’ and ‘by impact’. We also provide context to the data through the introduction of legacy information.

“Throughout the process of producing the Annual Review, TLC asked useful questions that made us reflect on the best way to get our message across. The 2019 Annual Review feels fresh and inspiring, and we are really pleased with the result.” Berkeley Foundation




Berkeley Foundation
Berkeley Foundation
Berkeley Foundation

Making the review work harder

We made the report a richer experience, introducing extended content via links to videos and LinkedIn articles, encouraging readers to watch, read and share with their communities.

We also took bite-sized content from the main review to create a social media campaign, promoting the review to a wider audience.

Berkeley Foundation
Berkeley Foundation